Soccer is a fast–paced, strategy game played by men, women, and kids soccer is number two in the country. Its professional leagues have gained millions of fans around the world. It is considered as a major sport that is well-known and widely played in almost all regions of the world.
Young children are more inclined to have a good experience if they are learning a new activity in a controlled environment where are not distracted by the cold or heat and wind. This will help them focus as they are not distracted or uncomfortable by the outside surroundings and elements.
Competitive games are the opposite of what children this age are being taught in pre-school. At pre-school, they are being taught to share; to be nice; not to push, shove, or run into others; and to respect the space of their classmates. They are expected to play well with others and are usually admonished if they do not do so. “Play” at this age looks nothing like a competitive soccer game. Play for these children usually does not have a specific goal, is not on a timed schedule, and can generally start and stop at the child’s discretion. Play at this age is generally not “with” other children, but “beside” other children. Play is supposed to be and must be fun. Limit each activity in class from 5-10 minutes. Children will like some activities more than others. “when we finish with this drill we can do one of your favorites” usually works if someone is hesitant on a specific activity.
A proper introduction to the sport of soccer for this age group focuses on having “fun.” Activities need to be fast paced, with minimal instruction time, should encourage silliness and laughter, and should not last too long before the next one is introduced. Texas Premier’s entire concept of utilizing “soccer fun games” to encourage children to enjoy the sport starts here. In addition to instruction in proper ball techniques, a fun environment provides responsible listening, cognitive learning, and socialization skills. Further, it promotes the shift from individual to group learning and introduces the concept of “team.”
Give a “reward” at the end of class. Children will sometimes participate more easily if they are aware there is a something they look forward to at the end of class. This can be as simple as a hand stamp or a sweet treat.